"The Binnakle Mission 0 workshop was a very enjoyable creative session. The game helped us encourage creativity and reflection to improve the customer experience, with all the areas of the organization being involved. By the end of the activity, we had an instant list of defined challenges and an action plan for us to use to continue on our route. I highly recommend Binnakle to make working on any challenge enjoyable and free of mental limitations."

Elodie Bruckmann, Business Transformation 

"The Binnakle dynamic has helped Clear Channel to create a privileged environment to encourage innovation and skills development, in addition to live experiences or situations that on many occasions are similar to those we find daily on a personal and / or professional level. During the session, areas for improvement were identified that have helped generate ideas that can potentially be turned into solutions impacting our products and processes. The dynamics have allowed us to participants get out of the routine, take risks and make clever decisions, in addition to promote and encourage communication, synergy and teamwork."

María Martin, Formación Comercial y Reguladora

"The Binnakle dynamic has helped Clear Channel to create a privileged environment to encourage innovation and skills development, in addition to live experiences or situations that on many occasions are similar to those we find daily on a personal and / or professional level. During the session, areas for improvement were identified that have helped generate ideas that can potentially be turned into solutions impacting our products and processes. The dynamics have allowed us to participants get out of the routine, take risks and make clever decisions, in addition to promote and encourage communication, synergy and teamwork."

Yolanda Gutiérrez, HR Director

"The main challenge we have with our Graduates is to engage all of them even when they came from different business areas and countries.
Binnakle proved to be very effective to work on challenges related to business as when they started playing, they were able to unleash their potential and give great ideas.
They really enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to repeat!"

EUGENIA PASCUAL GIL, Talent Acquisition & Campus SWE

"Binnakle Mission 0 has proven to be a very effective and entertaining way of unearthing hidden aspects of our challenge. It uses a dynamic method to take you through various phases where you explore the challenge using different approaches. At the end, you prioritise all of the discoveries you make. The result is a map that shows your starting point and the issues that you have to remember to address. For the team, it encourages participants to speak up and suggest ideas without fearing rejection, which fosters creativity and open-mindedness. All of the participants said how important it was that they felt involved from the start in defining the challenge and starting to co-create the path to confronting it."

Alejandra Páramo, Retail HR Business Partner Luxe L’OREAL

"Binnakle is a great tool to help drive innovation. The competitive gaming aspect makes the process fun and engaging. Time always flies when working on the missions. It doesn’t feel like working and the participants are always surprised at the quantity and quality of the results."

Skrollan A. Schwyn, Senior Learning Manager, AbbVie Switzerland

"One of the main advantages of Binnakle is that you can organise the games internally. The dynamics of the game are very well constructed to guide the group, and it is quick and easy to train game coordinators within the organisation. This, combined with the phase-based structure of the game, makes it easy to adapt using the game to the needs of the company, regarding available time and its current stage in the development of new concepts."

Ascensión Oliver, Responsable de Inteligencia de Mercado

"Binnakle is a working method that has given us direction and guidance, through a process that promotes and inspires creativity and innovation. What’s more, we’ve been able to do this collaboratively and with the advantages of gamification, which increases the engagement of professionals in the process and its results, and the supervision, assistance and collaboration of expert trainers. Thank you!"

Óscar Dalmau, Director del Centro Intl. de Formación Continua

"Our goal with Binnakle was to use it as a training tool: we want to learn how to confront challenges and issues in our day-to-day from an innovative perspective. The game session and methodology really fixed the concepts in the minds of the participants. What’s more, it’s going to help us formulate more specific requests between departments and take a new approach to formulating and reformulating goals."

José Luis Rodríguez, Field Sales Manager

"Binnakle was extremely useful for Zambon because it mobilised the entire company while ‘playing’. We generated numerous ideas as a group and put some of them into practice. Generating ideas and competing is a good combination because the competitive spirit is a catalyst for ideas. The concept of the crocodile, to control ‘idea assassins’, has penetrated the organisation."

Santos Álvarez, Responsable de Selección, Formación y Desarrollo

"Binnakle is very good at combining the playful side of gamification with a very well thought-out innovation methodology to produce great specific results for any group and any challenge. At Sanofi we've used it successfully to identify new solutions to complex problems, both in support areas and in several Business Units.
Lastly, I want to emphasise its great ability to motivate teams to search for different ideas in all kinds of management situations."

David REYERO, HR Business Partner & Strategic Projects

"Using Binnakle has been a new way of getting focus on opportunities and challenges in our organisation. It has helped us generate more powerful and ground-breaking dynamics in our working group and this has led to new solutions that probably wouldn’t have surfaced in a traditional session. I have no hesitation in recommending it for any organisation that wants to find new ways of doing things."

Xavier Bové, HR Business Partner Suply

"Binnakle has given us the chance to reinforce creativity among our collaborators, not only for the ones who are typically in contact with innovation and marketing, but for the entire organisation. What’s more, Binnakle sessions have helped us generate new ideas that wouldn’t have come to light in a more traditional brainstorming session. I have no hesitation in recommending it for any company in search of creative and innovative solutions."

Esther Maroto, Responsable de Marca y Comunicación Externa

"The first time we played Binnakle, we could see the enormous potential of the game. Not only because playing means we get the best out of the participants in terms of fostering their creativity and innovation, but also because, as a result of having fun and healthy competition, the players develop a sense of comradery and team spirit. Since playing the game, we’ve learned how to open up new paths by looking beyond our usual limits. This experience has been a success for us and we apply it more each day to open windows to new, innovative projects and solutions to internal problems."

Ana Fábregas, Digital Leader

"One of my main challenges in the last two years has been relaunching a new business line. It’s one that is especially important to the future of the company and where we have to align objectives between all areas, and get all of them to commit. In this context, having Binnakle and the collaboration of Inteligencia Creativa successfully motivated the teams and got them involved. They helped us join forces to double business in the first year and maintain a similar growth rate in subsequent years."

Mónica Vilalta, Managing Controller Business

"At Danone Waters, we were looking for a supplier that would help us transfer the main strategic lines of the company to projects that were completely tangible, but also ground-breaking. We chose Binnakle as our partner, to work alongside our employees in building the innovative projects our division would work on, through gamification. We selected employees from all levels and areas (factories, sales network and headquarters) for the session. As a result of the robust Binnakle methodology, we were able to come up with very innovative ideas. What’s more, it’s an excellent tool for institutionalising creative thinking within our organisation. The session was very enjoyable and contributed to team building."

Mercé Griell, Organizational Development Manager

"The experience of working with Binnakle has led us to change our values and the methodology we use for resolving challenges. The Inteligencia Creativa team educated and trained our staff and we’re now ready to use the tool in our processes and as part of our usual working dynamics. It is a very flexible, user-friendly and enjoyable tool to use. What’s more, the material is well suited to getting work done during the sessions and ensuring that participants take the methodology on board. I recommend the tool with every guarantee of success to all companies and teams that need their problem-solving sessions, challenge reviews, action plans and innovation to be much more efficient and results oriented, with new challenges."

Laura Lluhen, HR Director

"The workshop with Binnakle was a pleasant surprise for the whole team, which got involved and enjoyed themselves, they developed some interesting creative ideas through the game that we'll be discussing how to develop in the annual plan. The most interesting thing was that the team experienced it as a playful activity and because of that it was much easier to be open to suggesting new ideas and pathways than in other workshops we've been to. As I said, a pleasant surprise for us to have as a team!"

Isa Barangé Crespo, Directora de Marca, Publicidad y Patrocinio

"It’s surprising what a board game can generate: original ideas that are also brought down to earth. The whole game was structured, dynamic, enjoyable and agile. No one should underestimate what a board game is capable of, because Binnakle is very serious and adds clear value from the start. Getting a Binnakle suitcase was the right decision, and the entire kit is of very high quality. The experience with Binnakle is unique: participants have very positive memories of it and they want to play again with new challenges."

Yuri Noda, Innovación en Gestión

"While we were already fans of the creative innovation process, Binnakle has really won us over! It gives you structure for thinking about innovation. The gamification process means the time dedicated to looking for creative solutions is efficient, and the team works smoothly. Productivity is maximised. A great buy!"

Gloria Tapias, Directora de RIMA y RSC

"Binnakle is a dynamic tool that makes it possible to initiate a team in the practice of creativity and innovation, while obtaining tangible and practical action plans."

Teresa Manobens, Corporate Talent Management Director